Dave Miller: Regional Raccolta Remakes

Nestled within a clear case that's itself enclosed within a grey fabric pouch, this 3-inch disc from Australia label Meupe makes a strong impression on presentation grounds alone. Even better, the release offers four takes on material from Dave Miller's 2005 Mitchells Raccolta. As the Regional Raccolta Remakes title indicates, the remixers aren't globally dispersed but Miller's geographical kin: Perth electronic music producers Victor Bermon, Pablo Dali, Stina, and Chris Cobilis.

By and large, the four opt for a more abstract and experimental handling of Miller's material and downplay its rhythm dimension, with the remixers' electronic-oriented approach revealing itself in the abrupt edits and tiny smears of glitch that pepper the tunes' acoustic sounds. Bermon's “Excelsior Interlude” opens as a placid assemblage of horns, bass, and vibes that, once awakened, gathers energy. Stina likewise opts for textural placidity in “People Just Like Us” with softly glimmering keyboard melodies floating over a gently rocking base. Cobilis's “She Makes” is the wild child of the bunch, a writhing, convulsive noisescape of electronic free jazz that's contained by the anchoring presence of acoustic piano; needless to say, Cobilis's piece is the one least reminiscent of Miller's 2005 Background Records album. Regional Raccolta Remakes makes for an interesting set of variations and complement to the superb original, then, even if it doesn't reach the same heights.

May 2006